Pala Mesa Country Club

Learning to move forward…

Teeing off at Pala Mesa Country Club I was ready to take one shot at a time and stay focused on executing my process. My process was walking into each shot and allowing myself to try and play “freedom” golf. After I gathered all of the information (distance to the hole, carry distance to the front and back of the green, wind condition, etc…) I would try and make the swing a “nothing”. After posting 75 - 72 back to back days and missing the money by one shot it was clear to me that I need to change a few things before my next event.

I used to be a jack of all trades: bartending, marketing director, golf instructor, manager and the lists goes on and on. One thing I have learned about myself over the years and from a lot of different work environments is how well I do under pressure. From making a dead line for a marketing company to busting out 20 perfect margaritas in 2 minutes at a full capacity bar, my mind was made to preform best under high pressure situations.

Now back to golf, I have never approached my Professional Golf with this same mindset. I have been trying to take the pressure away for so long in order to play “freedom“ golf. But that is not how my mind works, I need to know what is at stake as I go into each shot. It needs to be life or death for me to preform my best.

At Pala Mesa Country Club I learned that if I don’t give meaning to each shot then it won’t mean enough for me to play my best. I will slack off and never reach my full potential, good thing this was just my first event. On my drive home I came up with a new plan for how I will attack tournament golf. As I write each chapter of my professional golf career I will approach each Tour event with the same mindset that has brought me so much success out side of golf. I will play my best because it means I will advance to Stage 2 of my plan to make it on the PGA Tour. I will play my best so I will be able to unconditionally give to those in need.