First Quarter of 2022

Over the last three months I have been working hard with my team as we take steps closer to the PGA Tour. With over ten tournaments played in these first three months my team and I have seen the progression we were looking for in my game and my process. Listed below is a brief summary of my post quarter evaluation.

What I do well:

I do what is under my control to positively influence the outcome. This starts with understanding what the minimum requirement is on any given shot. What is the necessary carry distance, where is trouble, where is safe and where do I want it to go.

What I have learned:

There is no “Silver Bullet”.

What I am doing about what I learned:

Because there is no “Silver Bullet” out here on Tour, I am consistently improving and developing all aspects of my game. My team and I have worked hard to optimize my schedule for the second quarter of the year as we learned what we needed to from this first quarter.

Thank you to all my Sponsors and Team members, I am looking forward to each tournament ahead.

Cooper Coles

Korn Ferry Qualifying Perparation

Making the move to Nashville

has been so helpful for my game. Cutting out all distractions has allowed me to focus on my craft and I have already seen the necessary improvements in my game. Adding performance training to my routine is getting my body where it needs to be before I tee it up for my first Qualifying round in Georgia.

Main thoughts:

Currently I am focusing on scoring, which entails understanding how I golf my ball around. Learning what is under my control and what I am capable of on any given shot. This process has been a lot of fun as I learn more about the game and more about myself.

Biggest Improvement:

So far the biggest improvement I have seen is in my mental game. I have learned how to control my thoughts and stay in the present more than I ever have in the past. This is a massive step forward because now I can allow myself to stay in each moment and be my best self. Which as we all know is key to playing your best.

Closing Thoughts:

I am very happy with the steps forward I have been making this year and that is all thanks to my amazing Sponsors. To see how far I have come and being able to make the necessary changes is all because of the people on my team! More updates to come soon.

2021 Start With a Bang!

First and foremost I have a huge THANK YOU to San Luis Obispo Country Club, as the Members have given me the great gift of Honorary Membership. I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to be able to practice at the best course in San Luis Obispo County. Along with the fact that this is the course where I refined my game to become a playing professional 8 years ago when I was a part of the outside services staff. This course is a true test of golf with difficult greens to say the least. I will be working hard on my game at the beautiful San Luis Obispo Country Club as I work my way onto the PGA Tour.


Over the last month I played in 4 professional tournament, finishing in the top ten twice and a highlight of solo second at The Bentwater Championship just outside of Atlanta. Then I jumped on a plane and got to Las Vegas for my very first Monday Qualifier for the Korn Ferry Tour, where I shot 69 to finish a few shots short of making it into the Tournament.

Next Stop - US Open Qualifying

This week I will be traveling down to the Palm Desert to play in the first stage of US Open Qualifying. I will be competing at Indian Ridge Country Club where only 4 players will make it onto stage two. This is one of my favorite events to play in as it provides the opportunity to earn a spot at The US Open!

Following the US Open Qualifier I will be flying out to Tennessee to play in 3 more professional tournaments. The first 2 stops will be in Knoxville at Three Ridges Golf Club. Then I will head down to Nashville to tee it up at Brentwood Country Club. All of these events will be listed on my “Tournament Schedule” page for everyone to follow along.

Thanks again to my Sponsorship team that is giving me the opportunity to work my way onto the PGA Tour!

Keep an eye out for my new “Day in The Life” video dropping this weekend!

Second Professional Win in The Books

As I was headed to Los Robles greens for the third time in the duration of my tournament series, I was thinking back hole by hole remembering every good shot I hit. Visualization is my GPS in my car, it is what connects my mind to what I want to do with what I am capable of doing.

I started the round off slow and steady on the first hole leaving myself a twenty footer for birdie, after just burning the edge on the first hole I spent an extra second reading the greens the rest of the day. I went on to birdie the next three holes in a row. Driving the par four ninth hole and just barely two putting for birdie I was aware that I was in contention to say the least. I went on to birdie three more holes on the back nine including a twenty yard chip in on the par four fifteenth I finished the round at five under par for a score of 65.

Waiting for the last eight groups to come in to see if my 65 would hold up was definitely an interesting experience, I decided to go and putt for an hour to help take my mind off of playing the waiting game. After two hours of waiting and about hundred putts made on the practice green I walked into the scoring room to find out that my 65 held up. This was my second professional win within a month from my first win. I am more than thankful for the opportunity that I have been given to play this sport at a professional level full time. I will be caring this momentum into my next event at Bear Creek Country Club as I prepare to play my best every time I tee it up.

Sandpiper Championship

What a beautiful course, Sandpiper is placed right on the cliff side of the Santa Barbara Coast. This golf course provides challenging greens along with heavy winds.

I showed up the day before this Tournament for my practice round ready to learn the course and chart out my plan for the week. This normally entails learning where the highest and lowest point is on each hole, understanding the different landing zones from the tee shots and understanding the turf interaction between not only the ball but also the irons and wedges. After the practice round I headed to my hotel room to rest up and prepare for the tournament.

Round 1

Showed up at the golf course one hour before my tee time to find out that there was a four hour fog delay. My caddy and I decided to rest for an hour and then head to the range to slowly get warmed up and work on specific shots I normally would not have been able to work on the day of a tournament. When we teed off it was still extremely fogging but we were at least able to make out where the balls were landing. After the front nine I knew something was a little bit off with my equipment, all of my irons were flying 15 yards farther then the intended distance. This was a problem but I was able to keep the ball in play and manage my way into the clubhouse.

Round 2

Going into round two knowing that equipment was a little off I was extra aware of my club selection. This ended up allowing my to play 3 shots better than round one and finish inside the top 15. This week was a perfect example of all the little things that go into playing great golf and reminded me how important each yard is on the golf course. Golf is a great and frustrating game, you can do 99% perfectly but that 1% can change the score just like that.

Los Robles Greens 2 Day Bo Tour Event

Los Robles Greens is a fun short golf course right off the 101 Freeway in Thousand Oaks, CA. This golf course provides some challenging par 3s with blind tee shots and large protecting buckers.

Day 1:

This week I was testing out some of my equipment and figuring out distance control along with ball flights. After the first round of 69 I was able to manage my way around this course and putt myself in good positions on the greens. At the end of that round I asked myself the three questions that I asked myself at the end of every round.

What did I do well:

I hit every tee shot to the middle of each fairway hitting all 13 fairways.

What did I learn:

I learned that the greens do not break as much as I thought.

What am I going to do about what I learned:

I am going to trust my instincts on the greens and take a little break out of each one.

Day 2:

Going into day two I was ready to hit each shot to my spots and trust my reads on each green.

I was able to trust my reads on the greens but I hit a few wayward tee shots that cost me.

What did I do well:

I trusted each read on the greens.

What did I learn:

I learned that I need to focus more on executing each and everyone of my shots to the best of my ability.

What am I going to do about what I learned:

I am going to work on the execution of each shot and what leave of focus I need on any given shot.

This tournament provided so much experience for me as I continue to grow into a PGA Tour leave golfer.

Wood Ranch Golf Club

This Old Country Club placed in Semi Valley offered everything you would expect and more from this Private Club. The golf course plays not only into the Santa Susana Mountains but is filled with beautiful lakes as well.

Going into this week I was prepared to access each round with my standard 3 questions:

What did I do well.

What did I learn.

What am I going to do about what I learned.

What did I do well:

I launched every putt straight on my line.

What did I learn:

I learned that when I swing 100% all out with my driver the ball does not move as much as I thought it would. I.E. If I wanted to hit a draw the ball would stay straight instead of moving back to my intended target.

What am I going to do about what I learned:

I am going to work on swinging at only 90% instead of 100% when I want to move the ball more.

Answering these questions at the end of every round has been extremely beneficial for my career. It has helped me leave not only the good rounds but also the bad ones with something positive, something to remember and something to go and work on.

I am now preparing for 3 more tournaments within the next week. Stay tuned for more Blogs to come!

Bear Creek Country Club

Bear Creek,

heading into this week after a win I was ready for another one. But sometimes we need to learn and grow more through failure to be able to accomplish more in the future. This week I learned a lot about failure and moving forward from it.

What I did well:

My tee shots were perfectly executed.

What I learned:

Hitting wedge shots when you are in between my yardages need to be better.

What I am going to do about what I learned:

Preparing for the next tournament I will be working on random yardages and focusing on my skill level on those specific shots.

This tournament has been a great place of growth for me and I am excited for the next one.

Flying, Driving & learning how to Win

What a week,

I landed in San Antonio TX on July 19th, Hopped in a rental car and drove a few hours to the Texas State Open in Dallas. After a few practice rounds my mental coach and I realized a few things were off in my game and decided not to make any major changes the night before my qualifier. I showed up to the qualifier crossing my fingers that my game would some how be good enough in that one round to advance me to the Texas State Open. After posting a less then stellar qualifying round I sat in my car and processed what happened with a narrative of asking myself three simple questions:

  1. What did I do well?

  2. What did I learn?

  3. What am I going to do about what I learned?

What did I do well?

Asking myself that first question after not playing to my full potential was more difficult then I thought, but I needed to answer so I walked through my entire round and realized that I made every up and down out of the bunkers. I was in a lot of bunkers.

What did I learn?

I learned that I do not hit the ball on my starting line with any of my irons.

What am I going to do about what I learned?

There are 3 main components that go into an iron being perfect for anyones golf swing, and if just one of those components are off they are all going to be off. So I took my clubs to Carson Denaro at Sellingers Power Golf Studio in Dallas and had him check my Lie Angles first to see if my club heads moved at all during travel. Found out that my lie angles were almost four degrees off on each one of my irons. Golf is a game of inches and even half of a degree makes a world of difference to each shot. After we got them fixed and dialed in my mental coach and I went out for 9 more holes to see if that corrected a majority of my problems. We soon realized that my equipment was the main factor in my poor scores and made one other small swing adjustment to improve my distance control. I can’t fully explain what a breath of fresh air it was to find out that it was just a small equipment issue that was causing bad tournament rounds.

Fast forward 3 days…

After correcting my equipment I was excited to put them to the test in another golf tournament and I was able to find the Wolfdancer Golf Club Championship in Austin Texas. I signed up and drove down the night before to allow for a full night of rest and recovery from all the traveling.

I left my hotel room with an hour and a half to make it to the course that was originally a thirteen minute drive. About ten minutes in on the I-35 south traffic comes to a complete stop due to construction. As I am sitting in the car moving around one to three mph and watching the clock I start to worry that I will not make my tee time. Each minute moving a little faster as my “spare” time dwindles away.

I roll into the parking lot with 9 minutes to put on my golf shoes, walk through the club house and find the check in table at a course I had never been to before. After checking in I was able to roll four putts on the practice green before it was my tee time. Stepping onto the first tee knowing that not only was my equipment correct but that I had made the changes in my swing that I needed to, I had all the confidence I needed to play some of my best golf.

On the 6 tee box I was even par right before it started dumping rain. I was able to fire a 37 front nine and a 33 back nine for a total of 70 and win the tournament by 5 shots. I am over joyed from my first Professional win and I am beyond thankful for everyone on my team that is helping me chase my dreams as I tee it up each day.

Now it’s time to grind hard this week as I prepare for the next one. This is just the beginning.

2 Corinthians 4:16-17

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.