Wood Ranch Golf Club

This Old Country Club placed in Semi Valley offered everything you would expect and more from this Private Club. The golf course plays not only into the Santa Susana Mountains but is filled with beautiful lakes as well.

Going into this week I was prepared to access each round with my standard 3 questions:

What did I do well.

What did I learn.

What am I going to do about what I learned.

What did I do well:

I launched every putt straight on my line.

What did I learn:

I learned that when I swing 100% all out with my driver the ball does not move as much as I thought it would. I.E. If I wanted to hit a draw the ball would stay straight instead of moving back to my intended target.

What am I going to do about what I learned:

I am going to work on swinging at only 90% instead of 100% when I want to move the ball more.

Answering these questions at the end of every round has been extremely beneficial for my career. It has helped me leave not only the good rounds but also the bad ones with something positive, something to remember and something to go and work on.

I am now preparing for 3 more tournaments within the next week. Stay tuned for more Blogs to come!