Los Robles Greens 2 Day Bo Tour Event

Los Robles Greens is a fun short golf course right off the 101 Freeway in Thousand Oaks, CA. This golf course provides some challenging par 3s with blind tee shots and large protecting buckers.

Day 1:

This week I was testing out some of my equipment and figuring out distance control along with ball flights. After the first round of 69 I was able to manage my way around this course and putt myself in good positions on the greens. At the end of that round I asked myself the three questions that I asked myself at the end of every round.

What did I do well:

I hit every tee shot to the middle of each fairway hitting all 13 fairways.

What did I learn:

I learned that the greens do not break as much as I thought.

What am I going to do about what I learned:

I am going to trust my instincts on the greens and take a little break out of each one.

Day 2:

Going into day two I was ready to hit each shot to my spots and trust my reads on each green.

I was able to trust my reads on the greens but I hit a few wayward tee shots that cost me.

What did I do well:

I trusted each read on the greens.

What did I learn:

I learned that I need to focus more on executing each and everyone of my shots to the best of my ability.

What am I going to do about what I learned:

I am going to work on the execution of each shot and what leave of focus I need on any given shot.

This tournament provided so much experience for me as I continue to grow into a PGA Tour leave golfer.