Korn Ferry Qualifying Perparation

Making the move to Nashville

has been so helpful for my game. Cutting out all distractions has allowed me to focus on my craft and I have already seen the necessary improvements in my game. Adding performance training to my routine is getting my body where it needs to be before I tee it up for my first Qualifying round in Georgia.

Main thoughts:

Currently I am focusing on scoring, which entails understanding how I golf my ball around. Learning what is under my control and what I am capable of on any given shot. This process has been a lot of fun as I learn more about the game and more about myself.

Biggest Improvement:

So far the biggest improvement I have seen is in my mental game. I have learned how to control my thoughts and stay in the present more than I ever have in the past. This is a massive step forward because now I can allow myself to stay in each moment and be my best self. Which as we all know is key to playing your best.

Closing Thoughts:

I am very happy with the steps forward I have been making this year and that is all thanks to my amazing Sponsors. To see how far I have come and being able to make the necessary changes is all because of the people on my team! More updates to come soon.